If this reads like an author bio, it’s because it sorta is. If you want to get in touch with me, I’m at matt AT mattcahill DOT ca.
MATT CAHILL is a Toronto writer. His debut novel, the literary thriller THE SOCIETY OF EXPERIENCE (Wolsak & Wynn) was released in 2015 and was picked as one of the top must-reads of the season by Harper’s Bazaar magazine. His short stories have appeared with The Rusty Toque, The Quarantine Review and Fusion Fragment. He has contributed essays to Ryeberg, the Humber Literary Review, and Torontoist. His essay ON MADNESS WITHIN IMAGINATION was selected for Best Canadian Essays 2017. Matt worked for twenty years in the film and television industry before training to become a psychotherapist. He now has a private practice and is a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario. His tastes are eclectic. His author site is mattcahill.ca. His next novel, RADIOLAND, will be out in the autumn of 2022.
You can also bug him on Twitter, and Instagram.
I am an attorney in NY representing hundreds of photographers throughout the country. Feel free to Google me under Edward C. Greenberg or Ed Greenberg. Two years ago we figured out who likely killed Michale. We communicated the information to the Austion police and had several discussions with them. The suspect’s name is in my possession. You can and should call me right now at 212 697 -8777. I just stumbled on this site by accident.
Ed Greenberg
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NYC, NY 10022
For some reason, this year has brought more memories to bare. Thank you for your 2013 post and the remembering. It never gets easier.
Aunt Barbara
I appreciate the note, Aunt Barbara. Take care.
have you visited St. Petersburg? I have friends there who can give you a room in the center of the city for 25 euros a day. What to viist? Everything will be clear once you are there. I recommend you take a month long Russian course at the
St. Petersburg University.
I would love to visit St. Petersburg, Sofia – thanks for the offer. The question, for me, is when and it does not look like it will be any time soon. That said, I really appreciate the information – I will certainly look up the Russian course @ St. Petersburg University, and if/when I do decide to go I will keep your offer in mind. Thanks for the comment.