As always, the pop-media is glamorizing the killer and within a few months will forget about the victims.
Way back when, during the shootings l’Ecole Polytechnique, I got into a “discussion” with an “afirmed” feminist who argued that Marc Lapine was a poster boy for the concept that all men hated women… She beat this drum for about twenty-minutes solid… Marc Lapine is all men! Marc Lapine is the norm, not the exception! Marc Lapine is what men are all about!
When she finally stopped to take a breath, I simply asked one question…
Can you name one of his victims?
I fear this will be yet ANOTHER case of this…
When it comes to the media, if it bleeds, it leads… and although we can say the photos, notes, and videos from the killer should not have been broadcast… the question is, did you look at them yourself?
Do you think they should have shown the video he made??? I don’t… I think he’s getting fame he doesn’t deserve!…
As always, the pop-media is glamorizing the killer and within a few months will forget about the victims.
Way back when, during the shootings l’Ecole Polytechnique, I got into a “discussion” with an “afirmed” feminist who argued that Marc Lapine was a poster boy for the concept that all men hated women… She beat this drum for about twenty-minutes solid… Marc Lapine is all men! Marc Lapine is the norm, not the exception! Marc Lapine is what men are all about!
When she finally stopped to take a breath, I simply asked one question…
Can you name one of his victims?
I fear this will be yet ANOTHER case of this…
When it comes to the media, if it bleeds, it leads… and although we can say the photos, notes, and videos from the killer should not have been broadcast… the question is, did you look at them yourself?