
Since the beginning of 2010 (I still can’t adjust to typing that without staring out the window to see if there are flying cars in the sky) I’ve felt change is imminent for me. Whereas last year seemed to be a boat load of life coming straight at me, the inverse seems to be conjuring its way into this year – I feel more connected to surroundings, and better able to manipulate (if I may use the word manipulate in the best possible way) the outside world, the not I (to quote Krishnamurti).

This is not to say that I’ve got all of the problems with life, the world, or myself sorted out (ha!), but rather I feel a greater impetus to direct energy outward to affect change; to raise my own hurdles rather than wait for life to throw me hers.

I just don’t know the details of how this energy will manifest yet – I’m listening intently. Perhaps small steps: publishing my short fiction to this here blog, and/or showcasing others’? Alternately, putting a cap in this blog entirely and moving on to something different. Shifting to work more with my own media rather than with others’. Sparks. You see: the light of change. Inarticulate still, but pulsing with activity, from the inside out.


4 Replies to “Impetus”

  1. It still is. Liking the all-fiction format of your blog (though miss the public musings sometimes). Hope you are doing well.

  2. Thanks Heather. I'm giving it all a lot of thought at the moment. One thing which concerns me is the catch-22 that, if I publish on my blog then that disqualifies them from being published in any quarterly or journal which insists on work never being published before. But, of course, if I don't publish anything on the blog then that's just a big fat double-zero also.

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