"Total" Oranje

I did promise this would not turn into a football blog during Euro ’08; with that in mind, I’ll make this passing note brief.

I cannot believe – I would never have believed prior to their first game – that Holland has not only won their first two games (vs. Italy and France, respectively) but that they would do so in a way that is making everyone, football fans or not, take note.

They haven’t played this well in 10 years. “Well” is probably not the best word to use. They are playing “total football”, a term coined in the early 70’s to describe a system developed by coach Rinus Michels and player Johan Cruijff in which teammates switch roles on the field: strikers become defenders, defenders become strikers, everyone becomes “aware” of space and time. What’s magical is that this philosophy transcends football and becomes a rather profound statement about the Dutch.

I’ll leave it at that. I encourage you to read one of two things, if you are interested in knowing more about this phenomena (now realised by their massive success in this tournament). The first is a concise article in the Globe and Mail, by John Doyle. He touches upon what I was saying in the above paragraph. If you really want to know more, I highly suggest you read a book called Brilliant Orange: The Neurotic Genius of Dutch Football, by David Winner; the writer, an Englishman, describes how the evolution of Dutch football – in particular, the concept of “total football” – becomes an extension of the Netherlands’ egalitarian society. Fascinating stuff.

And, if you’re wondering why someone with the (particularly Irish) name Cahill is following Holland, it’s because my mother’s from Leiden. Ik kan spreken nederlands ook. Een beetje. And if Holland wins Euro ’08, there may be a tattoo in it for me (if I’m sufficiently drunk).


7 Replies to “"Total" Oranje”

  1. Hup Holland Hup !

    Greetings from The Netherlands.

    Hopefully NL will win Euro 2008 !

    You better wear something Orange when NL is playing.

  2. De blauwe sokken van het poeder? Werkelijk? U zou zo goed moeten kijken aangezien u speelt, en de Nederlanders kijken belachelijk.

  3. De Zweden hebben de Nederlanders overheerst aangezien de eerste korrel van zand van tijd viel. Dit zal voor altijd verdergaan.

    Deze zwager van van u schijnt briljant en almachtig te zijn.

  4. I have been drawn into watching Euro ’08 thanks to my other half… I can’t believe how much I’m actually enjoying it.

  5. Jules – Yes, it’s been very entertaining thus far (though troublesome for getting work done). You have the advantage of watching the games in a similar timezone – over here the games start at 14:25.

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