9 Replies to “Cellphoto: Sink #1”

  1. Good for you soaking!
    Nothing is worse – NOTHING – than having a cup once used for coffee or tea just sittin’ in the sink with it still being about a quarter full of said coffee or tea just stainin’ away.

  2. As a photo, these look great. As cups, very sad. I avoid white. Though they are the best at telling me if I’m drinking a layer of old coffee or not.

  3. Yes, but what do you use as opposed to white? This is not to say that all of our cups are white. That said, about 80% are of the white (bone, ivory) variety – these include mugs w/ various logos and family crests. If there is an aesthetic alternative please dish.

  4. @Querulous Squirrel : not necessarily “yuck”. It really depends on the shade. How would you (via metaphor or simile) compare “bright red”? (I will resist references to Wittgenstein).

    I like red. Except for “Campbell’s Cream of Tomato Soup” red, which is too milky.

  5. If you have ever watched the TV show House, House drinks from my exact same red coffee cups. Very angular, no frills. It is a precise deep, bright, pure cadmium red, a red’s red, a Red Sox red, a Red Carpet red, the sort of red you’d expect from Scandinavian cups or toys perhaps from Germany, a cardinal red, Marilyn Monroe lip red. Crayola crayon Red. Primary color red. In there you’d find the right red. Definitely not anywhere near orangey red. Nor anywhere near a maroon red nor pink red. All would be despicable.

  6. Funny. Most of these cups are from our plate set, and I think the fact that they are ‘good’ china (well-made) means that they have never held a stain. Regular mugs, however… sigh.

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