Hello all. In order to promote my upcoming book and to (eventually) be a hub for promoting any published works I do between now and then, I thought it best to have a standalone author site created: mattcahill.ca. This task was handily undertaken by Ingrid Paulson, and it looks great.
Eventually I will start adding pages to the site, to flesh it out (so that it is more than just a page, but an actual “site”).
The question currently stands: what will happen to this here blog? I’m not sure. The more I focus on writing gigs, the less time I have for blogging, and yet – paradoxically – I have more things to blog about because potentially I have more gigs. In other words, there is still a need for the blog, so imagitude will stay where it is and perhaps be linked-to from the author site at some point.
It’s be a while since I’ve visited and I see you have a book out. Congrats!
Thanks, Todd. Much appreciated. Publication date TBA, but thrilled nonetheless. I hope you are well!