Hello all,
It’s been a time-and-a-half to get to this point, so it’s with a mixture of relief and exhaustion that I’m able to share the cover for my next novel, Radioland.

Nice, eh? The cover is by designer extraordinaire Ingrid Paulson.
This book has taken a lot work, and I can’t wait for you all to read it. Here’s another thing: it’s now available for pre-order, which means that you can order it now, and when it’s released (currently looking like October) it will get shipped to you ASAP then. Presales are also cool b/c they can build interest from stores, retailers, etc, so there’s that too. I trust you to do the right thing.
You can read more about Radioland on the publisher’s site (where you can also pre-order it): Wolsak & Wynn
You can also bug your local independent bookstore or local library to order it for you.
You can also pre-order it from these folks, too: